This film is definitely worth watching. Some facts to enhance this:

Sadly, Baumschlager is the last, posthumously accomplished project of Micha Shagrir – the Jewish boy Michael Schwager, who grew up in same street of Linz as the desk murderer Adolf Eichmann. Micha escaped the Nazi terror, helped the fight for Israel’s independence, became a founding father of its film industry, a merciless master of the art of living – and a friend of mine. He lived to see the project getting funded by the Austrian agencies in 2015, but died shortly afterwards. 
Micha wanted me to make a film about an Austrian UN soldier in Israel. About a man with three women in his life – his Austrian wife, a Lebanese Arab, and an officer with the IDF. 
Baumschlager turned out to be a film about three tough women using one endearing, harmless man to make their respective lifetime dreams come true.
A fourth tough woman gets the main credit for this – Maayan Oz, Micha’s poster student at the Jerusalem film school. When already her first draft of the script proved to be a masterpiece, she was barely 27.
Maayan and I went alongside through difficult and sometimes frustrating times of script changes made necessary by the delicate subject matter. The short cameo we do as the hippies at the Dead Sea is to show how strongly bonded we both are with the film. 

Micha Shagrir and the Austrian co-producer Danny Krausz never failed to support us, in those seemingly endless years of pre-production. Danny even succeeded in getting a bilateral film funding treaty signed by the Israeli and Austrian heads of State – especially for Baumschlager.
The film is a black comedy, which by means of satire shows a condensed view of everyday life in Israel and Lebanon – up the point when there suddenly is peace. Up to the allegiation less people would be happy about it than one might think.       

Ever since its founding days, the State of Israel has been fighting grave inner contradictions. They are present in every second of everyday life. The most powerful means to make people aware of social problems is telling your story with the right sense of humor. If you want to unmask fake news and dirty power plays in the most effective way, use satire and comedy. This perception is as old as the dramatic arts themselves.
That’s probably why all the actresses and actors of high renown we wanted for the film immediately agreed to take part – Israelis, Arabs working in Israel, Icelanders, Germans, and Austrians.
So far the number of people who have watched Baumschlager has not quite met the makers’ high hopes. This is due to one decisive fact:
Most potential viewers simply are not able to imagine that a very entertaining and at the same time illuminative story can be told about serious topics like „The Middle East Conflict“ and „The UN Military Missions”.  
Everybody who has watched the film knows that this is true in a most charming way for Baumschlager. The number of aficionados is growing by the day. And we're all set to tell the world.