Hinterholz 8
At some time or other everyone in Austria builds their own house. Or would like to do so. Or at least thinks about it. Or is more than sorry that he ever even considered it. At present millions of Austrians are involved with the construction of a home. That's statistically proven.
And that's what Hinterholz 8 is all about. „Die Hard“ for do-it-yourselfers. To build or not to build – what a question. The best jokes result from tragedy. We laugh hardest about the idiots whose fate keeps batting them on the head with a baseball bat.

Herbert Krcal is kind of an Austrian Donald Duck. The others have the money, he has the dreams. And – why shouldn't a healthy, mentally stable guy who's not shy of work be able to turn a pitiful shack in the Vienna Woods into a lovely family home, using brain, brawn and initiative?
This ruin is situated romantically in the province, away from it all – so that the wife will be forever happy, his son lose his TV-inflicted trauma, and his friends and colleagues die of envy?

Why not, Herbert considers – and immediately falls into the do-it-yourself industry's evil trap. At first Herbert still manages a smile when the loan adviser talks him dizzy with figures, then he spends day and night at the building site, while his life is slowly, but surely falling apart. At the end he's done, but not finished by a long shot.

Hinterholz 8 is the merciless log of an everyday guy's fall. And also the report of a madman's rise.

Here I deal with the perfidious system arising with the phenomenon of „Building My Own Home“ – banks, insurance companies, government offices, the Do-It-Yourself industry, and so on. Those are things hitting the audience's nerves much more than Roland Düringer, I, and actually everyone else expected. Hinterholz 8 is best proof that, of course, even a sinster tragedy can do extremely well at the box office.
Ever since 1998, the film is ranking as #1 among Austrian films in Austria.