The Reason Why
You kill, turn yourself in, confess – and nobody believes you. That’s what happens to Jan Haigerer, the celebrated journalist. But why? Why does he shoot a man in the bar? Why does he want "life" for a verdict? And why does he want to go to prison? 
Jan remains silent, leaves a hard nut to crack for simple minds like his devoted fan, the chief inspector. Like the envious yellow press floozie and the assigned counsel, desperately trying to do a good job.

Prejudices save time. That goes for judges and jurors, too. One has to return a verdict, after all. Jan has a rough time fending off his imminent acquittal. He finally finds out who’s frustrating his secret plot. No law goes unviolated, no truth unharmed.

The Reason Why shows that you're never brought down by your own mistakes. It’s the underestimated opponent making good use of your mistakes who prevails. 

My first film based on a novel and a rare chance to shoot a European courtroom drama. Daniel Glattauer’s brilliant story turned out to be quite a challenge for screen adaptation and directing. I like The Reason Why a lot.